The importance of toys to your bengal kitten
Being educated on the importance of toys and how they can aid in maintaining a kitten’s health and well being is just one key, of many, to successful Bengal cat ownership!
As kittens go through various life stages, certain behaviors will come and go and cat owners need to effectively deal with both good and bad behavior that may surface. Cat toys can be one of the greatest assets available to the feline caregiver. Toys are crucial in a cat’s life from early kitten-hood straight through to adulthood. They stimulate the cat both mentally and physically. While most kitten’s don’t need any help finding ways to entertain themselves, owners should regularly schedule feline playtime into their day. This interaction will help to ensure a well socialized kitten who will mature into a well-rounded mature cat.
Additionally, a lack of exercise can lead to a fat, overweight cat, which in turn can lead to a myriad of health problems–such as diabetes and unnecessary stress to joints.
Planning play time helps to alleviate kitten boredom. Bengal kittens are especially active and a bored Bengal kitten is a Bengal kitten who is apt to get into trouble!
Kittens can develop social skills, coordination, running, pouncing and catching abilities through the aid of toys. A good variety of toys can help to provide a kitten with hours of fun, exercise and education! Without toys, rough play can get out-of-hand (or directed at the hand!). Kittens should be taught that toys are for biting and scratching not hands. Kittens are naturally full of energy and play, which is often displayed through play biting and scratching. Therefore, toys can also help prevent undesirable aggressive play directed toward family members or even other pets. Biting and chewing toys may also aid in better dental health too.
Along with a healthy amount of cuddling and love, interactive toys will provide wonderful exercise opportunities, as well as making for a great deal of fun for the kitten and its owner. Certain toys, like teasers with long “streamers” are perfect toys for young children to use, since these will often create some space between the kitten and the child–instilling confidence in the kitten (as the child sits while playing) and safety from an accidental scratch for the child. Periodically rotating toys will help to assure that your kitten does not become bored with his or her toys and that the toys continue to stimulate even into adulthood.
Any toy that is starting to show wear should be replaced to avoid the possibility of swallowing a piece of the toy. Swallowing toys can be very dangerous to young kittens as well as to mature cats. Swallowed toys do not always come out on their own and often require the assistance of surgery to save the kitten’s or cat’s life.
The safety of toys should always be foremost in the selection process. Bengals Illustrated recommends that small bells, eyes, ribbons, bows, twine or string that can easily be torn off of a toy and possibly be swallowed be removed from the toy prior to giving it to your kitten or cat. Bengal cats have a particular fondness for toys that are easily tossed or carried as prey. Natural materials are often favored (real fur, wool, feathers, leather, etc.). Some toys may not be what would be considered by trade as a cat toy, but Bengal kittens and cats will quickly make a toy out of some of the simplest things–like boxes, paper bags, or even a crumpled up piece of paper! Feline caregivers should remember, that all toys should be utilized with some amount of supervision. Teaser wands should never be left with the kitten or cat unsupervised. Strings or cord on the teaser could easily become wrapped around a neck or leg causing injury or even possibly death.
Finally, a sturdy cat tree is an essential for kittens. Bengal kittens love to run, jump and climb. They enjoy high places and a cat tree can provide hours, days, months and even years of enjoyment for your feline companion. A cat tree is also a means of deterring your feline friend from utilizing furniture to scratch on. Trees with several shelves and cubbies are generally preferred over just a scratching pole, although a scratching pole can certainly prove to be a valuable accessory and having one in addition to a cat tree will not make your kitten or cat complain!
Cubbies and shelves on cat trees or towers can provide a place for playful sneak attacks, hiding or a cozy spot when it’s time to just get away for a short little “cat nap” too. Keeping your tree well maintained is important, too. Regularly snip loose or long strings, use a damp cloth on the carpeted areas to remove loose hair, dust and dander buildup and if there are wood areas, wipe those down as well. Never use any cleaning products that could be harmful to your kitten or cat.
Providing a variety of entertaining toys and play areas for your kitten will help to insure a well balanced, well rounded and healthy mature feline! - See more at: http://www.bengalsillustrated.cm